
The Powerviz Sunburst Chart is a fully dynamic visual. It is used to visualize a hierarchy-structured dataset through a series of concentric arcs, where each arc shows the part-to-whole proportion. Powerviz Sunburst let you to control shape, color, style, interactions, and more.​

Chart Options

Variety of Chart Styles Powerviz gives you flexibility to change the display style to any custom angle.

Data Colors

Powerviz offers multiple color schemes and more than 30 color palettes to choose from. For accessibility, there are also colorblind-safe palettes available.


One of the unique styling options that Sunburst offers is pattern. Use patterns to draw attention to or create a subtle effect on a category.


Apply uniform ranking on all the layers. Powerviz Sunburst ranking uses a unique method. The chosen ranking 'N' will apply to all the levels and their hierarchies without using any code.

Center Circle

Use a combination of text, measure, icon, and uploaded images to style the center area of the sunburst.


Sunburst lets you display the custom images on the outer circle for the child node.

Conditional Formatting

Easily detect outliers or patterns using conditional formatting. We provide conditional formatting based on value and text.

Get started today and supercharge your data-driven decisions. Find us on Microsoft AppSource and revolutionize your reporting experience with visuals from Powerviz.

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